Back to school?

Back from holiday! It still feels like summer here, so you can still dip into that warm and relaxed feeling in the yoga school…

We were happy with the summer (holiday) and also with Tally who was here for a month. And we saw that you were also happy with her and participated in her workshop in large numbers. So we’re already making plans for a workshop next summer!

Are you ready for more yoga? You can of course also learn a lot in the regular lessons, but we also have very inspiring workshops. Garth McLean, a fantastic teacher, is coming this weekend and there is still room! You can also register for a separate session.

You can also deepen your own practice and experience in our In-depth course that starts at the end of September. It’s a well-developed program that we continue to improve. And we have more fun workshops in the pipeline for next year, so stay tuned!

Garth McLean | 15, 16 & 17 Sept

Yoga is not a miracle cure. People who practice yoga also get pain in their back or scary diseases, and eventually die, like all living things. But yoga practice can prepare you – both physically and mentally – as best as possible for what life has in store for you.

BKS Iyengar said it beautifully: “Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured, and endure what cannot be cured”.

Someone who embodies that concept, and from whom we have learned a lot in many areas, is Garth McLean. He will be giving a workshop in October, and it is a real privilege to learn from him.

So. What are you waiting for? Read more and sign up here.

In-Depth Course

16 full days of yoga, spread out over 10 months, giving you the chance to set apart some time for yourself, to get more involved in yoga philosophy, expand your practice of asana and pranayama, and to meet like-minded people. A strong foundation in yoga can help you to enrich your life, develop healthy relationships and contribute more to the world around us.

Registration is now open!

Beginners Class

Wil je je schooljaar fris beginnen en je vakantiegevoel een beetje vasthouden? Of ken je iemand die wel wat yoga kan gebruiken? If you want an introduction to yoga in a systematic way, in a group where everyone is a beginner, our Beginners class is a perfect way to start. In this ongoing class you will learn the most common postures and how to adapt them to your needs. There will be plenty of time for personal correction and questions.

The Beginners class is on Wednesdays from 19.30-20.45.