Wat onze leerlingen vinden
Ik ben een fanatieke sporter en Iyengar yoga bij iyogautrecht heeft mij geleerd wat echte aansturing en het voelen van het lichaam inhoudt. Een lange blessure die ik niet weg kreeg, gaat nu de goede kant op door de (dis)balans in het lichaam die ik nu voel en kan verbeteren. Dit gebeurt vanuit beheersing en niet vanuit prestatie. De lessen lijken voor mijn gevoel voorbij te vliegen door de fijne docenten en de aandacht die wordt gegeven..
Altijd weer vernieuwend de lessen met goed gedetailleerde instructies! Mooi uitgebreid lesaanbod.
Very nice place to practice yoga. Teachers are experienced and friendly. Place is beautiful.
Claas is my favorite warrior monk person and his classes never fail to torture me in all the best ways. Always happy when it’s over, never regret going.
Geweldig en ik kan het iedereen aanraden!
iYoga, via digital lessen, help mij mijn vitaliteit op afstand te verbeteren.
Heel praktisch via Zoom.
This is an incredible yoga studio with extremely experienced, talented and knowledgeable yoga teachers!
I regularly attend online classes, because I can not be present physically in the studio, but I have never felt the distance of 900km and I can always be sure the teacher is watching me:). You are just great! Thank you!
The best yoga studio in Utrecht. Claas and Hiske are amazing, they really have a passion for teaching iyengar yoga and their lessons are master classes. I started my yoga journey with them many years ago and I’m so grateful of how much my mind and body have evolved since then. Totally recommended
Al jaren trouwe ‘klant’ van iYoga. Professionele docenten, veel keuze uit lessen en tijden. Goed voor beginners en gevorderden.
Beautiful atmosphere, high quality lessons, gentle but good humour, relaxed feeling.
This is a very good yoga school with nice and professional teachers. I can definitely recommend them!
Excellent. Very articulate, attentive instruction. Physically challenging while growing mind/body coordination, awareness and strength. Highly recommended.
I joined to the yoga for women workshop on May 21st and had a great afternoon. Tally is a terrific teacher and I learned so much. Not just yoga poses, also information on the endocrine system and how our bodies work. It was a small group so the teacher had a lot of attention for each student and we had plenty of time to ask questions. I can highly reccomend this workshop. The studio is brand new and beautifully done. Tip if your coming by train; take an NS bike. It’s 5 min and easy to find.
Precise, challenging, fun. The best place in Utrecht for iyengar yoga.
Very nice and friendly yoga studio, there is a lot of light and it is spacious. The teachers are very competent, the lessons are great, and you feel very relaxed at the end. There are a lot of props available to help you with your posture.
Prachtige nieuwe locatie. Goeie lessen en workshops.
It’s difficult to overstate how good this place is and how good the teachers are.
I’m really happy with this place. People are professional & incredibly nice. The space is well designed and equipped with all what it needs.
Location is really excellent as well!
Started a beginnercourse here with Tally. I’ve followed several beginner classes of various types of yoga. This is the first one that makes me understand why people love yoga so much. Really recommend this studio when you’re thinking of starting with yoga. I’m loving it!
Perfect for pro’s but also for a beginner like me! Claas takes his time and when you need, helps you out!
Best yoga school in Utrecht and possibly in the Netherlands!
Excellent teachers , lovely place.
I got to know Hiske and Claas shortly after I moved to Utrecht almost five years ago. And although I never managed to keep a constant yoga routine, I was always happy to have a class with either of you.
I was really amazed how with your guidance in the few yoga classes I took in spring, my knee injury was doing better and finally the pain was fading. I have got the inspiration from you and I try to keep now a yoga practice at home, trying to remember your words and hoping to strength more and more. (Thank you also for all the text in your blog and yoga sequences for a home practice).
Although I always knew how good iYogaUtrecht is, I became more aware of it while comparing it with other yoga studios here in my new city. This prompted me write you, so that you know what a wonderful job you do, what great teachers you are, and how thankful I am to have had classes with you.
Ik kijk met veel plezier terug naar de Iyengar-retreat van vorig jaar.
Ik had niet gedacht dat een week yoga zo leuk, leerzaam en gezellig kon zijn!
Behalve de intensieve yoga-lessen was er ook nog veel tijd voor ontspanning,of je wilde uitrusten en een boek lezen, of samen met andere deelnemers een avond wilde kaarten: alles kon.
Het was voor mij al snel duidelijk: als Claas en Hiske opnieuw een retreat zouden organiseren, dan ga ik weer mee!
Best place for yoga, great approach for everybody with experienced teachers.
Nice location, enough and good props to support the classes from beginner to expert and of course excellent teachers with Claas, Hiske and Tally!
After more than 7 years of yoga practice a total new discovery of yoga from an amazing perspective, the iyengar system! Outstanding teachers at iYoga!
I suffer from MS and therefore can’t move easily although I am flexible. Iyengar yoga is very helpful to me because of the props. Otherwise I wouldn’t have the opportunity to do yoga at all. I have now been practicing Iyengar yoga for 4 years. I also exercise in the water and have pilates lessons, but I find that yoga helps my condition most of all.
I was recently on holiday in The Netherlands for a month. During that time I had many private lessons with Hiske. I found her to be an excellent teacher. She really explained the asanas well to me, and I therefore I am now able to practice them better. In this short time my body became stronger and I now feel more confidant in myself. With the debilitating disease that I have, it’s so nice to see a quick improvement like this. It doesn’t happen often! Thank you, Hiske.
Ik ben met Claas en Hiske mee geweest naar Tsjechië.
Een week lang iedere dag yoga was heerlijk. Er is veel individuele aandacht waardoor je echt verder komt in jouw yogapractice.
Bijna 12 jaar geleden heb ik mijn eerste yoga beginnerscursus bij Claas gedaan in de studio waar hij toen les gaf. Ondanks vele mooie yoga zijwegen blijf ik de motiverende no nonsens lessen van Claas (met heerlijke droge humor) en de inspirerende uitgebalanceerde lessen van Hiske de beste van Utrecht vinden. Ze hebben een prachtige studio en community opgebouwd waar ik mij altijd zeer welkom voel.
Absolutely AMAZING!!!! The quality of yoga instruction totally blew my mind – both Hiske and Claas are such talented and knowledgeable yoga teachers. This is an incredible place to practice if you are serious about yoga!
Hiske van der Meulen presented a no-nonsense approach to yoga for runners during a 3-hour workshop.
We started out with a 45 minutes run in a park downtown Utrecht and then went back to the yoga studio. Here, Hiske created a class that was filled with expertise on how to create a ‘powerhouse’ of body, spirit and mind for any sport performance. Since she is a runner herself she transmitted her knowledge on deep stretches, corrections of the spine, straightening of the entire leg and inversions. She emphasized that listening to your body’s boundaries while challenging your aches without ignoring them is crucial. “If anything” she said, “I hope you leave here today with the notion that allowance for active resting is key.” Creating an all round body stance awareness will make you run more effectively. Last but not least, ‘riding the breath’, in order words breathing techniques were discussed and practiced for stamina & endurance.
As a participant, I highly recommend her workshop to everyone who loves running and Hiske confirmed, YES, there will be more workshops to come. She will also give workshops on location.